13 February 2007

The Confessions of A Bored Fish

My God! I've finally caved. I never thought I'd ever, ever...EVER start one of these blog thingys. Well, I'm no writer, but I've got a few things going for me to start a blog.

1) Too Much Time

2) Fecking Boredom

Actually, to start off, I'm just going to lay out right here, right now. This blog is just a nice little space for me to write nonsense at 2am in the fecking morning when I'm going through my insomnia phase, or after a late (or is that early) poker session.

There will probably a personal poker journal included sometime soon so I can bitch about the b*stards I play against, and whenever I feel like it, I'll give you my fishy wisdom on life, fish, poker and nearly everything else.

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