14 February 2007

Death To The Flowers!!!!

Whoopee...Today is Valentine's Day. The day where normally sane and intelligent people act like fecking pot smoking, Carebears!!! It's a fecking scam by those suits in Hallmark to make a huge ass profit while making single people feel like crap.

Couples hugging, and rubbing noses (with that irritating look on their faces) while repeating Valentine mantras like ..."Happy Valentines Day my snuggy-wuggy-munchkin."

It's enough to make one puke up your breakfast from 2 weeks ago while trying to stab BOTH your ears with a pencil at the same time (you heard me!!...ONE frigging pencil!!).

And how about them restaurant prices. Jacking up their prices just for this supposed human mating season. It's bloody discrimination I tell you! A single person can't get something to eat at a reasonable price just because of those guys who're thinking they're going to get good animalistic loving tonight just because he bought her a posh meal (and probably tried to get her drunk) while sacrificing a dead piece of flora (aka some innocent flower...who was probably minding it's own business before it got cut off in it's prime) and maybe pieces of sparkly rocks (if she's lucky it's a REAL diamond...not a kidney stone).

The whole of today I've been thinking that I'm the only sane person left in this city today. I'm probably bitching because I'm single (and I haven't gotten any in a fecking long time). On the bright side, at least I'm not spending insane amounts of money on flowers that will die, diamonds that'll get misplaced and a girl that'll probably leave me.

Yes...I'm still in the world of the sane....but if I ever do get a girlfriend....I hope I don't succumb to this pheromone driven day.... I hope I never spend the GDP of Albania on a flower, a meal, a rock and maybe a dress.....

But if I do.......

The sex better be bloody worth it.

Valentine's Day Dinner : $500
Overpriced Flowers : $150

finding out you aren't getting laid : priceless

there are some things money can buy.
for everything else there's MasturBate.


Anonymous said...

I see you have started a blog. Hope life in Malaysia is better than you report..D

FurryFish said...

Life's fine...hehehe just nothing better to do but type when i'm bored.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I stumbled upon your blog and just wanted to say that I especially liked what you had to say about Valentine's Day and the post about CNY/relatives/gf thingy. I know your posts are pretty old and your status may have changed now, but it seems puzzling why you didn't have a gf, ya seem pretty decent, and who doesn't like a guy who can appreciate good sappy songs like What Hurts The Most? :P

FurryFish said...

well the blogs been dormant for quite a bit... :P not much too many medium prority things to bitch about....mostly either they don't matter too much..or they're too complicated to put into words... :P
well...got a gf now....and everyday is a new exploration....and about the sappy songs...trust me...that's only one side of me.. :P... people are complicated creatures...